Competition Entry


Late entries will be accepted through the festival office.

Solo Singing

The Official Accompanist MUST BE USED in competitions 1 - 17 inclusive.

Competitors must send to the Festival Office by post or email attachment one clear copy of their 'own choice song(s)' at the time of entry.

Competitors must also bring on the day of the competition one copy of their 'own choice' song(s) for the Adjudicator.

1. Boy's Solo (Under 10)

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Peter Jenkyns: The Crocodile (Novello)



2. Girl's Solo (Under 10)

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Roisín Elliot Memorial Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal

arr. Brahms: Ladybird - Seven Children's Songs (Curwen/Boosey and Hawkes)

3. Boy's Solo (Under 12)

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Johnny O'Reilly Memorial Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal

William Jackman: The Dorset Pedlar (Boosey & Hawkes)

4. Girl's Solo (Under 12)

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Peter Power Memorial Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal

arr. Doreen Rao: Good Night (Boosey & Hawkes)
or in The Boosey 7 Hawkes 20th Century Easy Song Collection, ed. Eileen Field

5. Boy's Solo (Under 15)

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: First Prize: The O'Byrne Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Second Prize: Silver Medal


arr. Mark Hayes; The Water is Wide - This arrangement only

Folk songs for Solo singers Vol. 2 - High and Low available (Alfred Music)

6. Girl's Solo (Under 14)

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Healy Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Walter Lewis: Love's Wondrous Garden - 36 More Solos for Young Singers
(Hal Leonard) and separately from: No/89078/Product.aspx

7. Girl's Solo (Under 16)

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Rosie Mc Carthy Memorial Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Hoiby: Where the Music Comes From - Eleven Songs for Middle Voice & Piano
(see Hoiby edition) - or separately for high Voice from

8. Girl's Solo (Under 18)

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The John Kearon Cup, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €30

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Hamilton Harty: A Scythe Song - Heritage of 20th Century British Song

Boosey & Hawkes)



9. Ladies Solo - Open

Entry Fee: €10.00

First Prize: The Sean Walsh Memorial Cup, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €75

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €30



Soprano: Amy Beach: O Mistress Mine - key G (Hildergard or IMSLP)

Mezzo: Muriel Herbert: The Lake Isle of Innisfree - Key E (Presto Music)

Contralto: Arne, arr. Carse: Come, Calm Content - key D min. Boosey & Hawkes)

(b) Own Choice in contrast on recall only


10. Men's Solo - Open

Entry Fee: €10.00

First Prize: The Mick Quinn Memorial Cup, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €75

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €30



Tenor: Quilter: The Wine & Beauty - key F (Roger Quilter 55 Songs - High Voice)
(Hal Leonard or MSLP)

Baritone: Quilter: Go Lovely Rose - key E Flat (IMSLP)

Bass: Michael Head: MONEY O! Key G minor

(b) Own Choice in contrast on recall only

11. Competition for Irish Air (Under 18)

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Tom Clandillion Memorial Cup, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €30

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €20


One Irish song, sung in Irish or English, with or without accompaniment. Sean-nós style is not required

12. Competition for Irish Air - Adult

Entry Fee: €10.00

First Prize: The Michael O' Duffy Perpetual Cup, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €50

Second Prize: Gold Medal and Cash Award of €20


One song, sung in Irish or English. Sean-nós style is not required.

13. Lieder Competition - Adult

Entry Fee: €10.00


(1) The Official Accompanist must be used for Competition No.13

(2) One copy of each song MUST be sent to our office at time of entry. This is to facilitate both singer and pianist. Entries received without sheet music cannot be accepted.

(3) Competitors must also bring on the day of the competition one copy of each song for the Adjudicator.

First Prize: The Kerryman's Association Cup, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €150 (Sponsored by Arklow Credit Union)

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €70


Any two contrasting pieces by Schubert, Schumann, Wolf, Brahms, Richard Strauss or Gustav Mahler. Competitor may represent one or two of the given composers.

Sponsor: Arklow Credit Union Ltd

14. Oratorio - Adult

Entry Fee: €10.00

First Prize: The Centenary Cup (Presented by members of the Select Vestry of St. Saviour’s Parish Church to mark its Centenary) Gold Medal and Cash Award of €50

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €20


One Aria from any Oratorio work

15. Solo from Musical or Light Opera - Adult

Entry Fee: €10.00

First Prize: The Michael McCarthy Memorial Cup, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €200 (sponsored by Arklow Credit Union)

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €100 (sponsored by Arklow Credit Union)


One piece of own choice.
Costume may be worn.
Appropriate movement is allowed/encouraged.

Sponsor: Arklow Credit Union

16. Moore's Melody - Adult

Entry Fee: €10.00

N.B. Pieces performed must be original Moore’s Melodies. New arrangements not acceptable.

First Prize: The Woodenbridge Hotel Cup, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €50

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €30


One piece of own choice, accompanied.

17. Percy French Song - Adult

Entry Fee: €10.00

First Prize: The Arklow Challenge Cup, Gold Medal, Cash Award of €30

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €20


One piece of own choice (accompanied) from the extended range of Percy French songs.

Vocal Ensemble


1. In Duet or Trio competitions, an individual may only enter the same competition once.

2. Where the services of the festival accompanist are required, a clear copy of sheet music must be submitted by post or email attachment at the time of entry.

18. Vocal Duet (Under 15) Male and/or Female

Entry Fee: €10.00

First Prize: The Chamber of Commerce Cups and Gold Medals

Second Prize: Silver Medals


One duet of own choice (accompanied).

19. Vocal Duet (Under 18) Male and/or Female

Entry Fee: €10.00

First Prize: The Arklow Credit Union Trophies and Gold Medals

Second Prize: Silver Medals


One duet of own choice (accompanied).

20. Vocal Duet (Open) Male and/or Female

Entry Fee: €10.00

First Prize: The Fogarty Award and Gold Medals

Second Prize: Silver Medals


One duet of own choice (accompanied).

21. Vocal Trio (Open) Male and/or Female

Entry Fee: €15.00

First Prize: Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medals


One piece of own choice, with or without accompaniment.


Note: In Choral Competitions, Choirs must provide their own accompaniment where applicable.


26. Choir (Under 13) BOYS and/or GIRLS - Unison

Entry Fee: €20.00

Confined to Primary School Choirs

First Prize: The Garrett Redmond Memorial Trophy and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two pieces contrasted in style and tempo, both accompanied.

26A. CHOIR (Under 13 years) BOYS and/or GIRLS - Unison (Open)

Entry Fee: €20.00

First Prize: Festival Award and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two pieces contrsted in style and tempo, both accompanied.

27. CHOIR (Under 14) BOYS and/or GIRLS - Unison

Entry Fee: €20.00

Confined to Post Primary School Choirs

First Prize: The Very Rev. Canon Martin Cosgrove P.P. Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two pieces contrasted in style and tempo, both accompanied.

28. Choir (Under 15) Boys and/or Girls - Two Part

Entry Fee: €20.00

Confined to Post Primary School Choirs

First Prize: The Derrell Marshall Memorial Cup, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €30

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two pieces contrasted in style and tempo, both accompanied.

29. Choir (Under 16) Boys and/or Girls - Two Part

Entry Fee: €20.00

Confined to Post Primary School Choirs

First Prize: The Morgan Doyle Cup, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €30

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two pieces contrasted in style and tempo, both accompanied.

30. Choir (Under 16) Boys and/or Girls - Two Part (Open)

Entry Fee: €20.00

First Prize: Festival Cup, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €30

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two pieces contrasted in style and tempo, both accompanied.

31. Senior Choral Competition (B) - (3 or 4 Parts)

Entry Fee: €20.00

Confined to Post Primary School Choirs

First Prize: The Kenny Cup, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €40

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two pieces contrasted in style and tempo, both accompanied.

Sponsor: Mr. Eric Craig

32. Senior Choral Competition (A) - (3 or 4 Parts)

Entry Fee: €20.00

Confined to Post Primary School Choirs.

First Prize: The Sr. Agnes Perpetual Cup, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €30

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two pieces contrasted in style and tempo, one of which MUST BE UNACCOMPANIED. 

A high standard of performance will be required.

33. Youth Choir - (2, 3 or 4 Parts)

Entry Fee: €20.00

Not open to Schools

First Prize: The Cáirde Le Chéile Plaque, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €30

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two pieces contrasted in style and tempo, one of which MUST BE UNACCOMPANIED.


34. Sacred Music (Post Primary School Choirs)

Entry Fee: €20.00

First Prize: The Rev. James McCrudden Memorial Cup, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €30

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice and of a Religious Nature, with or without accompaiment.


Note: Choir rehearsal facilities, including piano, will be available in the Marlborough Hall. Please contact Margaret Nolan, Seven-Eleven Shop, Abbey Street, Arklow (086) 847 3187 for details

The McMuiris Award (sponsored by Mr. Jimmy Fitzmaurice)
The Choir that receives the highest marks in Competitions 38 and 39 will receive a Cash Award of €100

35. Madrigal Ensemble - Group of not more than 20

Entry Fee: €25.00

First Prize: The J.C. Kennedy Award (Presented by the Arklow Branch of the Asthma Society of Ireland) and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting madrigals, in any language, (unaccompanied).

36. Ladies Choir

Entry Fee: €25.00

Open to any club or organisation

First Prize: The O'Boyle Memorial Cup, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €65

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €30


Two pieces contrasted in style and tempo, with or without accompaniment.

37. Ladies Choir (Advanced)

Entry Fee: €25.00

First Prize: The Patsy Green Cup, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €95

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €30


Two pieces contrasted in style and tempo, in three or four parts, one of which MUST BE UNACCOMPANIED.

38. Male Voice Choir (T.T.B.)

Entry Fee: €25.00

Of not less than 10 Voices

First Prize: New Festival Award, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €30

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two pieces contrasted in style and tempo, with or without accompaniment.

39. Male Voice Choir (T.T.B.B.)

Entry Fee: €25.00

Of not less than 10 Voices

First Prize: The Paddy Fitzgerald Memorial Cup, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €50

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €15


Two pieces contrasted in style and tempo, one of which MUST BE UNACCOMPANIED.

40. Adult Mixed Choir

Entry Fee: €25.00

Confined to Choirs of not less than 25 voices.

First Prize: The Michael Fitzpatrick Memorial Cup and Gold Medal (Presented by Avoca Singers) and Cash Award of €75

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €30


Two pieces contrasted in style and tempo, one of which MUST BE UNACCOMPANIED.

41. Sacred Music (Adult Choirs)

Entry Fee: €25.00

First Prize: The Morgan Kinsella Memorial Cup, Gold Medal (Presented by Avoca Singers) and Cash Award of €50

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €30


(a) Two contrasting pieces in three or four parts, of a Religious Nature.

(b) Own choice in contrast.

42. Plain Chant (Open to all Choirs)

Entry Fee: €25.00

First Prize: The Palestrina Choir Trophy (Presented by the Choir of the Pro-Cathedral, Dublin) and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting chants of own choice.

43. Adult Choir - Light Jazz and Popular Music - (3 or 4 Parts)

Entry Fee: €25.00

First Prize: The Sean Bonner Memorial Cup, (Presented by Mrs. Peg Bonner), Gold Medal and Cash Award of €75

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €25


Two contrasted pieces, accompanied or unaccompanied. 

44. Arklow Bay Hotel Adult Choir (Open)

Entry Fee: €40.00

First Prize: The Catherine McAuley Cup, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €315

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €60


A selection of pieces, not to exceed 12 minutes duration, this being taken as singing time. Programme selected should show contrasting style and tempo of choral repertoire. A high standard of performance will be required and a percentage of marks will be awarded for programme construction. A choir competiting in this competition, which is also competiting in another competition MAY NOT REPEAT previously performed pieces.

Action Song

22. Action Song (Junior to Senior Infants)

Entry Fee: €20.00

Group of not less than 10 and not more than 45.

Own Accompaniment.

First Prize: The Baby Adam Byrne Memorial Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


One piece of own choice, not to exceed four minutes duration

23. Action Song (1st Class to 2nd Class)

Entry Fee: €20.00

Group of not less than 10 and not more than 45.

Own Accompaniment.

First Prize: An Ciseán Aráin Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


One piece of own choice, not to exceed four minutes duration.

24. Action Song (3rd Class to 4th Class)

Entry Fee: €20.00

Group of not less than 10 and not more than 45.

Own Accompaniment.

First Prize: The Paddy Kavanagh Memorial Trophy and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


One piece of own choice, not to exceed four minutes duration

25. Action Song (5th Class to 6th Class)

Entry Fee: €20.00

Group of not less than 10 and not more than 45.

Own accompaniment.

First Prize: The Thomas Ward Memorial Plaque and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


One piece of own choice, not to exceed four minutes duration.

Orchestra and Bands: 45 - 47
Strings: 48 - 64
Piano: 65 - 82
Brass: 83 - 86
Wind: 87 - 98

1. In 'Confined' competitions, competitors attending school or receiving tuition in the Arklow postal area qualify for entry.

2. The Official Accompanist must be used in Competitions 48 – 59.

3. Competitors must also bring a copy of their own choice/recall music for the adjudicator on the day of the competition.

45. Schools Orchestra

Entry Fee: €20.00

Orchestra members must be registered students of the school represented.


In this competition the following instruments are essential:

1st Violins, 2nd Violins, 3rd Violins and/or Violas, Cellos.

All other orchestral instruments are optional.



First Prize: The Bourke Trophy, Gold Medal and Sr. Mary Paul Joseph Cash Award of €100

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €30



A selection of pieces of own choice, not to exceed 15 minutes duration.

46. Youth Orchestra - Open

Entry Fee: €20.00

In this competition the following instruments are essential:

1st Violins, 2nd Violins, 3rd Violins and/or Violas, Cellos.

All other orchestral instruments are optional.

First Prize: Festival Award, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €100

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €30


A selection of pieces of own choice, not to exceed 15 minutes duration.

47. School Concert Band

Entry Fee: €20.00

First Prize: The Micheál & Pádraig O' Reilly Memorial Cup, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €50

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €30


A selection of pieces of own choice, not to exceed 15 minutes duration.

48. Violin Solo (Under 10) - Confined

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Matt Myler Memorial Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal

Two contrasting pieces of own choice with piano accompaniment

49. Violin Solo (Under 10) - Open

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Eagle Press Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


2 contrasting pieces of own choice with piano accompaniment

50. Violin Solo (Under 12) - Confined

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Barry O'Reilly Trophy and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal

Two contrasting pieces of own choice with piano accompaniment

51. Violin Solo (Under 12) - Open

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Pat Baker Memorial Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


2 contrasting pieces of own choice with piano accompaniment

52. Violin Solo (Under 14) - Confined

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Irish Fireplaces Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice with piano accompaniment

53. Violin Solo (Under 14) - Open

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Mike O'Connor Memorial Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


2 contrasting pieces of own choice with piano accompaniment

54. Violin Solo (Under 16) - Confined

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice with piano accompaniment

55. Violin Solo (Under 16) - Open

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Kathy McCrudden Memorial Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


2 Contrasting pieces of own choice with piano accompaniment

56. Violin Solo (Under 18) - Confined

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Susan Loughlin Memorial Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice with piano accompaniment

57. Violin Solo (Under 18) - Open

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Sean Finn Memorial Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


2 contrasting pieces of own choice with piano accompaniment

58. Violin or Viola or Cello Solo

Entry Fee: €5.00

Confined to students of any age who have received tuition for 3 years or less

First Prize: Plaque and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


One piece of own choice

59. Viola or Cello Solo (Under 14 years) - Open

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


One piece of own choice.

60. Senior Strings, Advanced (Violin, Viola, Cello, Classical Guitar or Harp) - Open

Entry Fee: €5.00

Competitors must be over 16 and under 24 years on January 1st, 2024.

Competitors need to provide their own accompanist.

First Prize: The Lafferty Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


The competitior will be required to play contrasting pieces of his/her own choice. Total time not to exceed 15 minutes. A high standard of musicality and performance will be required.

61. Junior Repertoire Strings (Under 18) - (including Classical Guitar)

Entry Fee: €5.00

Own accompaniment

First Prize: The Emer O'Reilly Memorial Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


A selection of pieces with own accompanist not to exceed 12 minutes duration.

62. Senior Repertoire Strings (Over 18) - (including Classical Guitar)

Entry Fee: €10.00

Own accompaniment

First Prize: The Ladies' Committee Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


A selection fo pieces of own choice not to exceed 15 minutes duration.

63. Violin Duet (Under 15)

Entry Fee: €10.00

First Prize: Plaques and Gold Medals

Second Prize: Silver Medals


Two contrasting pieces of own choice.

64. Violin Duet (Under 18)

Entry Fee: €10.00

First Prize: Plaques and Gold Medals

Second Prize: Silver Medals


Two contrasting pieces of own choice.


65. Piano (Under 10) - Confined

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Pat Kelly Trophy and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice

66. Piano (Under 10) - Open

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Joe Marsella Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


2 Contrasting pieces of own choice

67. Piano (Under 12) - Confined

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The George Brennan Memorial Cup and Gold Medal (Presented by the late Mrs. Freda Brennan)

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice

68. Piano (Under 12) - Open

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: Festival Trophy and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


2 contrasting pieces of own choice

69. Piano (Under 14) - Confined

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Roadstone Perpetual Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice

70. Piano (Under 14) - Open

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Bentley Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


2 contrasting pieces of own choice

71. Piano (Under 16) - Confined

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: Festival Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice

72. Piano (Under 16) - Open

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Seamus Delaney Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


2 contrasting pieces of own choice

73. Piano (Under 16) - Open

Entry Fee: €5.00

N.B. Open to students receiving piano tuition solely in Counties Wicklow, Wexford & Carlow

First Prize: The O'Sullivan Trophy, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €25 sponsored by Fintan and Rhoda O'Connor

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice, not to exceed 10 minutes duration.

Competitors must be receiving piano tuition solely in Counties Wicklow, Wexford & Carlow

75. Piano (Under 18) - Confined

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: Le Patissier Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice

76. Piano (Under 18) - Open

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: Festival Plaque and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


2 contrasting pieces of own choice

77. Piano - Open, Advanced

Entry Fee: €10.00

First Prize: The Wicklow People Cup, Gold Medal and a Cash Award of €50

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €30

The competitor will be required to play two contrasting pieces of own choice. Total time not to exceed 15 minutes. A high standard of musicality and performance will be required.

78. Arklow Shipping Award for Piano - Sponsored by Arklow Shipping Ltd.

Entry Fee: €10.00

Conditions of Entry:

Competitors must be over 16 and under 24 years on January 1st, 2025.

Competitors must also compete in Competition No. 77 (The Wicklow People Cup).


1.  Competitors MAY NOT REPEAT pieces or movements from pieces which they performed in Comp. No 77.

2.  The programme to be  performed must be submitted at the time of entry and MAY NOT be changed thereafter.

First Prize: Festival Trophy, Gold Medal and Cash Award of €225 will be presented to the competitor in this class showing the greatest potential as a performer.

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Cash Award of €30


(a) A movement from any Viennese Sonata (Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert, Mozart).

(b) A piece of own choice on recall only.

(c) At least one of these pieces must be played from memory.

Sponsor: Arklow Shipping Ltd

79. Piano Duet (Under 15)

Entry Fee: €10.00

First Prize: Gold Medals

Second Prize: Silver Medals


One piece of own choice.

80. Piano Duet (Under 18)

Entry Fee: €10.00

First Prize: Gold Medals

Second Prize: Silver Medals


One piece of own choice.

81. Junior Repertoire Piano (Under 18)

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The John Swan Award, Gold Medal and May Kavanagh Award of €200

Second Prize: Silver Medal


A selection of contrasting pieces to show technique and performance ability.

Not to exceed 12 minutes duration.

Sponsor: Executive Committee, Arklow Music Festival

82. Senior Repertoire Piano (Over 18)

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: The Paramount Jewellers Trophy and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


A selection of contrasting pieces to show technique and performance ability. Not to exceed 15 minutes duration.

Wind Instruments

83. Brass Solo (Under 14)

Entry Fee: €5.00

Own Accompanist

First Prize: The Celebration Cup, (Sponsored by Arklow Silver Band to mark their Silver Jubilee 1993) and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice, with or without accompaniment.

84. Brass Solo (Under 17)

Entry Fee: €5.00

Own Accompanist

First Prize: Festival Plaque and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice, with or without accompaniment.

85. Brass Solo - Open

Entry Fee: €10.00

Own  Accompanist

First Prize: The Sean Wolohan Memorial Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice, with or without accompaniment.

86. Brass Quartet or Quintet - Open

Entry Fee: €25.00

Own Accompanist

First Prize: Gold Medals

Second Prize: Silver Medals


Two contrasting pieces of own choice, by a suitable combination of instruments.

87. Recorder Solo (Under 8)

Entry Fee: €5.00

Own Accompanist

First Prize: Plaque and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice, with or without accompaniment.

88. Recorder Solo (Under 10)

Entry Fee: €5.00

Own Accompanist

First Prize: Plaque and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice, with or without accompaniment.

89. Recorder Solo (Under 12)

Entry Fee: €5.00

Own Accompanist

First Prize: The Don McDonagh Memorial Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice, with or without accompaniment.

90. Recorder Solo (Under 14)

Entry Fee: €5.00

Own Accompanist

First Prize: Plaque and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice, with or without accompaniment.

91. Recorder (Under 16)

Entry Fee: €5.00

Own Accompanist

First Prize: The Royal Hotel Cup and Gold Medal (Presented by the late Roisin Elliott)

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice, with or without accompaniment.

92. Woodwind Solo (Under 12) including Saxophone

Entry Fee: €5.00

Own Accompanist

Sheet music must be supplied for adjudicator

First Prize: Plaque and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice, with or without accompaniment.

93. Woodwind Solo (Under 14) Including Saxophone

Entry Fee: €5.00

Own Accompanist

Sheet music must be supplied for adjudicator

First Prize: The Crock of Gold Cup and Gold Medal (Presented by John Swan Jewellers)

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice, with or without accompaniment.

94. Woodwind Solo (Under 16) Including Saxophone

Entry Fee: €5.00

Own Accompanist

Sheet music must be supplied for adjudicator.

First Prize: The Arklow Credit Union Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice, with or without accompaniment.

95. Woodwind Solo Senior - Open Advanced - Including Saxophone

Entry Fee: €10.00

Own Accompanist

Sheet music must be supplied for adjudicator.

First Prize: The Tallon Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of a high musical standard. Duration not to exceed 15 minutes.

96. Feadóg Solo (Under 12)

Entry Fee: €5.00

Sheet music must be supplied for adjudicator

First Prize: The Irene Baker-Mahon Memorial Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice, without accompaniment.

97. Feadóg Solo (Under 14)

Entry Fee: €5.00

Sheet music must be supplied for adjudicator.

First Prize: Plaque and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice, without accompaniment.

98. Flute Solo (14-16)

Entry Fee: €5.00

Own Accompaniment.

Sheet music must be supplied for adjudicator.

First Prize: The Bridge Hotel Cup and Gold Medal (Presented by The Hoey Family)

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Two contrasting pieces of own choice, with or without accompaniment.

Verse Speaking

Verse Speaking

1. Please use BLOCK CAPITALS in all online entries to ensure that names of performers are correctly spelt in the festival programme. While entry via our website is the most convenient method, a separate entry must be made for each competitor. (If entering a class group see also below).

2. N.B. If a teacher wishes to enter a group of students for any verse speaking or Dán Gaeilge competition, please contact the festival office for a ‘Group Entry Form’. A separate form must be used for each age group. Forms may be copied.

3. A star system is used in the Junior Competitions (5 years and under).

4. In the following competitions a poem must be chosen from options listed. Copies of poems and Danta Gaeilge are available on request from the Festival Office.

99. Boys aged 5 years and under - Attending Primary School

Entry Fee: €3.00

The Star System of Recognition applies to this competition.


(a) Night Fright by Marion Swinger

(b) Silly to Fuss by Max Fatchen

(c) After a Bath by Aileen Fisher

(d) One-eyed Jack by Shel Silverstein

100. Girls aged 5 years and under - Attending Primary School

Entry Fee: €3.00

The Star System of Recognition applies to this competition.


(a) Night Fright by Marion Swinger

(b) Silly to Fuss by Fax Fatchen

(c) After a Bath by Aileen Fisher

(d) One-eyed Jack by Shel Silverstein

101. Boys aged 6 years

Entry Fee: €3.00

First Prize: Silver Medal

Second Prize: Certificate

Test: (a) The Wrong Start by Marchette Chute

(b)  A Verse about Me by Hilda Rostron

(c)  The Bee by Rose Fyleman

(d)  Our Cat by Daphne Lister

102. Girls aged 6 years

Entry Fee: €3.00

First Prize: Silver Medal

Second Prize: Certificate


(a)  The Wrong Start by Marchette Chute

(b)  A Verse about Me by Hilda Rostron

(c)  The Bee by Rose Fyleman

(d)  Our Cat by Daphne Lister

103. Boys aged 7 years

Entry Fee: €3.00

First Prize: Silver Medal

Second Prize: Certificate


(a)  Flying by J.M Westrup

(b)  The Turtle by Anon

(c)  Acorn and Oak by Paul King

(d)  New Shoes by 

104. Girls aged 7 years

Entry Fee: €3.00

First Prize: Silver Medal

Second Prize: Certificate


(a) Flying by J.M. Westrup

(b)  The Turtle by Anon

(c)  Acorn and Oak by Paul King

(d)  New Shoes by Anon

105. Boys aged 8 years

Entry Fee: €3.00

First Prize: Silver Medal

Second Prize: Certificate


(a)  I tried to take a Selfie by Kenn Nesbit

(b)  Bad Case of Sneezes by Bruce Lansky

(c)  The Lion by Roald Dahl

(d)  Ruling the World by Sandra Horn

106. Girls aged 8 years

Entry Fee: €3.00

First Prize: Silver Medal

Second Prize: Certificate


(a)  I tried to Take a Selfie By Kenn Nesbit

(b)  A Bad Case of Sneezes by Bruce Lansky

(c)  The Lion by Ronald Dahl

(d)  Ruling the World by Sandra Horn

107. Boys aged 9 years

Entry Fee: €3.00

First Prize: Silver Medal

Second Prize: Certificate

(a) The Pet by Tony Bradman

(b)  Trees are Great by Roger McGough

(c)  Just like a Man by John Keats

(d)  The 'Veggy' Lion by Spike Milligan

108. Girls aged 9 years

Entry Fee: €3.00

First Prize: Silver Medal

Second Prize: Certificate


(a)  The Pet by Tony Bradman

(b)  Trees are Great by Roger McGough

(c)  Just like a Man by John Keats

(d)  The 'Veggy' Lion by Spike Milligan

109. Boys aged 10 Years

Entry Fee: €3.00

First Prize: Silver Medal

Second Prize: Certificate


(a) "Grandma's on the Internet" by Dulcie Meddows

(b) Trees are Great by Rober McGough

(c)  Teabag by Peter Dixon

(d)  Vee by Eva Merriam

110. Girls aged 10 years

Entry Fee: €3.00

First Prize: Silver Medal

Second Prize: Certificate


(a)  "Grandma's on the Internet" by Dulcie Meaddows

(b)  Trees are great by Roger McGough

(c)  Teabag by Peter Dixon

(d)  Tee Vee by Eve Merriam

111. Boys aged 11 years

Entry Fee: €3.00

First Prize: Silver Medal

Second Prize: Certificate


(a)  The Time Machine by Richard James

b)  The Sea by James Reeves

(c)  Huff by Wendy Cope

(d)  Watch your French by Kitt Wright

112. Girls aged 11 years

Entry Fee: €3.00

First Prize: Silver Medal

Second Prize: Certificate


(a)  The Time Machine by Richard James

(b)  The Sea by James Reeves

(c)  Huff by Wendy Cope

(d)  Watch your French by Kitt Wright  

113. Boys or Girls age 12

Entry Fee: €3.00

First Prize: Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal

(a)  Iniskeen Road by Patrick Kavanagh

(b)  Five Eyes by Walter de la Mare

(c)  Parents' Evening by Allan Ahlberg

(d)  Amada! by Robin Klein

114. Boys or Girls age 13 - 14 years

Entry Fee: €3.00

First Prize: Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal

(a)  When you are Old by W.B. Yeats

(b)  Mid-term Break by Seamus Heaney

(c)  Nettles by Vernon Scannell

(d)  Do not go gentle into that good night by Dylan Thomas

115. Boys or Girls (Over 14 years)

Entry Fee: €3.00

First Prize: The Tony O' Farrell Memorial Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Any poem in English by an Irish Author (20th or 21st Century)




Chun neamhchruinneas sa litriú a sheachaint scríobh ainm an pháiste I mbioclitreacha. (To avoid incorrect spelling of children’s names please use block letters on entry forms).

Beidh teacht ar an dánta go léir sna scoileanna, chomh mhaith ar fáil ar an láithreán gréasáin seo (085) 8556686

(Poems available in schools, in the Arklow Music Festival Office, Floor 3, Bridgewater Shopping Centre, Arklow Phone: (085) 8556686

125 - 126: Níl aon duais ach cuirtear an córas réalta i bhfeidhm.
(A star system of recognition is used to encourage participation)

127 - 136: An Chead Duais: Bonn Airgid
An Dara Duais: Teastas

137 - 138: An Chead Duais: Bonn Airgid
An Dara Duais: Teastas

139 - 140: An Chead Duais: Bonn Óir
An Dara Duais: Bon Airgid

124. Naíonáin Bheaga (Buachaillí)

Entry Fee: €3.00

Ní aon duais an córas réalta bhfedhm
(A star system is used to encourage participation)

An Chead Duais: Bonn Airgid

An Dara Duais: Teastas

Ábhar Bunaidh:

(a) Gugalaí Gug

(b) Coinín na Cásca

(c) Uisce Glé le Treasa Ní Ailpín

(d)  Bogha Báistí

125. Naíonáin Bheaga (Cailíní)

Entry Fee: €3.00

Níl aon duais ach cuirtear an córas réalta i bhfeidhm

(A star system of recognition is used to encourage participation

An Chead Duais: Bonn Airgid

An Dara Duais: Teastas

Ábhar Bunaidh:

(a) Gugalaí Gug

(b) Coinín na Cásca

(c)  Uisce Glé le Treasa Ní Ailpín

(d)  Bogha Báistí

126. Naíonáin Mhóra (Buachaillí)

Entry Fee: €3.00

Níl aon duais ach cuirtear an córas réalta i bhfeidhm

(A star system of recognition is used to encourage participation)

An Chead Duais: Bonn Airgid

An Dara Duais: Teastas

Ábhar Bunaidh:

(a) Lá Fhéile Pádraig

(b)  Crann le Eamonn Ó Tuathail

(c)  B'fhearr liomsa Eamonn Ó Ríordáin
(d)  Bhí Méadhbh ag Caoineadh le Seán Ó Cionnaith

127. Naíonáin Mhóra (Cailíní)

Entry Fee: €3.00

An Chead Duais: Bonn Airgid

An Dara Duais: Teastas

Ábhar Bunaidh:

(a) Lá Fhéile Pádraig

(b)  Crann le Eamonn Ó Tuathail

(c)  B'fhearr liomsa le Eamonn Ó Ríordáin

(d)  Bhí Méadhbh ag Caoineadh le Seaán Ó Cionnaith

128. Rang 1 (Buachaillí)

Entry Fee: €3.00

An Chead Duais: Bonn Airgid

An Dara Duais: Teastas

Ábhar Bunaidh:

(a) Ghaoth Aduaidh

(b)  Síolta le Treasa Ní Ailpín

(c)  An Damhán Alla le Donnchadha Mac Aogáin

(d)  Mo Thaisce le Eamonn Ó Ríordáin

129. Rang 1 (Cailíní)

Entry Fee: €3.00

An Chead Duais: Bonn Airgid

An Dara Duais: Teastas

Abhar Bunaidh:

(a)  An Ghaoth Aduaidh

(b)  Síolta le Treasa Ní Ailpín

(c)  An Damhán Alla le Donnchadha Mac Aogáin

(d)  Mo Thaisce le Eamonn Ó Riordáin

130. Rang 2 (Buachaillí)

Entry Fee: €3.00

An Chead Duais: Bonn Airgid

An Dara Duais: Teastas

Abhar Bunaidh:

(a)  An Ghaoth Aduaidh

(b)Síolta le Treasa Ní Ailpín

(c) An Damhán Alla le Donnchadha Mac Aogáin

(d)  Mo Thaisce le Eamonn Ó Riordáin

131. Rang 2 (Cailíiní)

Entry Fee: €3.00

An Chead Duais: Bonn Airgid

An Dara Duais: Teastas

Abhar Bunaidh:

(a)  Ghaoth Aduaidh

(b)  Síolta le Treasa Ní Ailpín

(c)  An Damhán Alla le Donnchadha Mac Aogáin

(d)  Mo Thaisce le Eamonn Ó Riordáin


132. Rang 3 (Buachaillí)

Entry Fee: €3.00

An Chead Duais: Bonn Airgid

An Dara Duais: Teastas

Abhar Bunaidh:

(a)  Bó sa Chlós le Art Ó Súilleabháin

(b)  Mo Scath le Daithí Ó Diolúin

(c)  Frog is Fiche le Gabriel Rosenstock

(d)  Mise Eire le Pádraig Mac Piarais

133. Rang 3 (Cailíní)

Entry Fee: €3.00

An Chead Duais: Bonn Airgid

An Dara Duais: Teastas

Abhar Bunaidh:

:(a) Bó sa Chlós le Art Ó Súilleabháin

(b)  Mo Scath le Daithí Ó Diolúin

(c)  Frog is Fiche le Gabriel Rosenstock

(d)  Mise Eire le Pádraig Mac Piarias

134. Rang 4 (Buachaillí)

Entry Fee: €3.00

An Chead Duais: Bonn Airgid

An Dara Duais: Teastas

Abhar Bunaidh:

(a)  Bó sa Chlós le Art Ó Súilleabháin

(b)  Mo Scath le Daithí Ó Diolúin

(c)  Frog is Fiche le Gabriel Rosenstock

(d)  Mise Eire le Pádraig Mac Piarais

135. Rang 4 (Cailíní)

Entry Fee: €3.00

An Chead Duais: Bonn Airgid

An Dara Duais: Teastas

Abhar Bunaidh:

(a) Bó sa Chlós le Art Ó Súilleabhain

(b)  Mo Scath le Daithí Ó Diolúin

(c)  Frog is Fiche le Gabriel Rosenstock

(d)  Mise Eire le Pádraig Mac Piarais

136. Rang 5 (Buachaillí)

Entry Fee: €3.00

An Chead Duais: Bonn Airgid

An Dara Duais: Teastas

Abhar Bunaidh:

(a)  Dathanna le Patricia Forde

(b)  Canaerí le Seán Mac Fheorais

(c)  Cill Aodáin le Antaine Ó Raftaire

(d)  Mo Mhadra Leisciúil le Diare Mac Pháidín

137. Rang 5 (Cailíní)

Entry Fee: €3.00

An Chead Duais: Bonn Airgid

An Dara Duais: Teastas

Abhar Bunaidh:

(a) Dathanna le Patricia Forde

(b)  An Canaerí le Seán Mac Fheorais

(c)  Cill Aodáin le Antaine Ó Raftaire

(d)  Mo Mhadra Leiscúil le Daire Mac Pháidín

138. Rang 6 (Buachaillí)

Entry Fee: €3.00

An Chead Duais: Bonn Airgid

An Dara Duais: Teastas

Abhar Bunaidh:

(a)  Dathanna le Patricia Forde

(b)  An Canaerí le Seán Mac Fheorais

(c)  Cill Aodáin le Antaine Ó Raftaire

(d)  Mo Mhadra Leisciúil le Diare Mac Pháidín

139. Rang 6 (Cailíní)

Entry Fee: €3.00

An Chead Duais: Bonn Óir

An Dara Duais: Bonn Airgid

Abhar Bunaidh:

(a) Dathanna le Patricia Forde

(b)  An Canaerí le Seán Mac Fheorais

(c)  Cill Aodáin le Aintaine Ó Raftaire

(d)  Mo Mhadra Leisciúil le Daire Mac Pháidín

140. Daltí Meánscoile

Entry Fee: €3.00

An Chead Duais: Bonn Óir

An Dara Duais: Bonn Airgid

Abhar Bunaidh:

(a)  Valparaiso le Pádraig de Brún

(b)  Fáinne Geal an Lae

(c)  Ár nÓige le Máirtín Ó Díreáin

(d)  Labhrann Deirdre le Maire Mhac an tSaoi

Choral Verse

1. Competition for Choral Verse Speaking will be adjudicated on the SPOKEN WORD only.

2. Conducting is permitted in these competitions.

143. Choral Verse Speaking (Junior/Senior Infants)

Entry Fee: €20.00

First Prize: The Hoyne's Perpetual Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


One Piece of own choice. Group of not less than 10 members and not more than 45.

144. Choral Verse Speaking (1st to 2nd Class)

Entry Fee: €20.00

First Prize: The Ernest Sharpe Perpetual Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


One Piece of own choice. Group of not less than 10 members and not more than 45

145. Choral Verse Speaking (3rd to 4th Class)

Entry Fee: €20.00

First Prize: The Owens Perpetual Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


One Piece of own choice. Group of not less than 10 members and not more than 45.

146. Choral Verse Speaking (5th to 6th Class)

Entry Fee: €20.00

First Prize: The Irish Board of Speech & Drama Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


One Piece of own choice. Group of not les than 10 members and not more than 45.

147. Choral Verse Speaking (Up to and including Junior Cert)

Entry Fee: €20.00

First Prize: The Mary O'Loughlin Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


One Piece of own choice. Group of not less than 10 and not more than 45.

The William Doyle Memorial Cup

Entry Fee: €0.00

This Award will be presented to a group in the Choral Verse Speaking section giving which gives an outstanding performance. Due to Safety Regulations, First Prize winners in competitions 143, 144, 145, 146 and 147 will not be asked to repeat their performance. The Award will be presented at the Prizewinners' Concert on Sunday 19th March, 2025.

Public Speaking

162. Public Speaking (12-15 years)

Entry Fee: €4.00

First Prize: Gold Medal and Certificate

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Certificate

You will be required to speak on a topic of your Own Choice. 
Maximum speaking time 4 mins.)

163. Public Speaking (16 - 19 years)

Entry Fee: €4.00

First Prize: Gold Medal and Certificate

Second Prize: Silver Medal and Certificate

You will be required to speak on a topic to be sent/provided 1 hour before the allotted time of the competition. Maximum speaking time: 4 minutes.

Action Poem

149. Action Poem (Junior/Senior Infants)

Entry Fee: €20.00

First Prize: The Pat Lalor Memorial Trophy (Presented by Harmony) and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


A performance of a poem by a group of not less than 10 members and not more than 45, with appropriate action. Costume may be worn.

150. Action Poem (1st and 2nd Class)

Entry Fee: €20.00

First Prize: The Stephen Keogh Cup (Presented by Mrs. Patricia Ruttle) and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


A performance of a poem by a group of not less than 10 members and not more than 45, with appropriate action. Costume may be worn.

151. Action Poem (3rd and 4th Class)

Entry Fee: €20.00

First Prize: The Mary Kavanagh Memorial Cup (Presented by the Kavanagh Family) and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


A performance of a poem by a group of not less than 10 members and not more than 45, with appropriate action. Costume may be worn.

152. Action Poem (5th and 6th Class)

Entry Fee: €20.00

First Prize: The Coral Leisure Centre Cup and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


A performance of a poem by a group of not less than 10 members and not more than 45, with appropriate action. Costume may be worn.

Drama (including Solo/Duo)


1. Performance of a play, an excerpt from a play, a verse or an improvisation may be undertaken.
2. The emphasis in these competitions is on Dramatic Performance and Not on Musical Drama.
3. The Scripts and cast lists MUST be submitted to the Festival Registrar on or before Monday, 20th Jan. 2025. Failure to comply with this rule will result in return of entry!
4. Drama to be played against drapes. SCENERY MAY NOT BE USED!
5. In the case of props, these must be for character use only and taken away at conclusion of performance.
6. In the case of improvisation, an outline of the theme to be supplied with cast list (as at rule 3, above)
7. Plays or Extracts not to exceed 30 minutes duration.
8. Setting up time of ten minutes will be allowed from the time the previous play clears the stage.
9. Curtain may be drawn at close of Play only.
10. Only available lighting may be utilised.
11. N.B. Drama groups must be comprised a minimum of 8 players.

1. In all these competitions, awards will also be made for (a) Best Actor (male), (b) Best Actress (female) and (c) Best Producer.
2. All competitions in this section are open to Youth Clubs/ Groups, whose members qualify on age grounds.
3. The festival will, where practicable, provide as much assistance as possible in setting up the stage. It is however, the responsibility of each group to ensure that adequate arrangements are in place to cover needs.
4. All properties MUST BE REMOVED from the hall at the end of the drama competitions.

Solo/Duo Drama

116. Monologue - Male/Female (Under 10 years)

Entry Fee: €8.00

First Prize: Plaque and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Competitors will be asked to give a character sketch or a scene from a play by any standard author. Duration not to exceed 5 minutes.

117. Monologue - Male/Female ( Under 12 years)

Entry Fee: €4.00

First Prize: Plaque and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Competitors will be asked to give a character sketch of a scene from a play by any standard author. Duration not to exceed 5 minutes.

118. Monologue - Male/Female (12-14 years)

Entry Fee: €4.00

First Prize: Plaque and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Competitors will be asked to give a character sketch or a scene from a play by any standard author. Duration not to exceed 5 minutes.

119. Monologue - Male/Female (15 - 18 years)

Entry Fee: €4.00

First Prize: Plaque and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Competitors will be asked to give a character sketch or a scene from a play by any standard author. Duration not to exceed 5 minutes.

119A. Monologue - Adult (Over 18)

Entry Fee: €4.00

First Prize: Plaque and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal

Test: Competitors will be asked to give a character sketch or a scene from a play by any standard author. Duration not to exceed 5 minutes.

120. Duologue - Male/Female (Under 10 years)

Entry Fee: €8.00

First Prize: Plaque and Gold Medals

Second Prize: Silver Medals

Competitors will be asked to give a character sketch or a scene from a play by any standard author.  Duration no to exceed 5 minutes.

121. Duologue - Male/Female (Under 12 years)

Entry Fee: €8.00

First Prize: Festival Plaque and Gold Medals

Second Prize: Silver Medals


Competitors will be asked to give a character sketch or a scene from a play by any standard author. Duration not to exceed 5 minutes.

122. Duologue - Male/Female (12 - 14 years)

Entry Fee: €8.00

First Prize: Festival Plaque and Gold Medals

Second Prize: Silver Medals


Competitors will be asked to give a character sketch or a scene from a play by any standard author. Duration not to exceed 5 minutes.

123. Duologue - Male/Female (15 - 18 years)

Entry Fee: €8.00

First Prize: Plaque and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal


Competitors will be asked to give a character sketch or a scene from a play by any standard author. Duration not to exceed 5  minutes.

Schools Drama

153. Primary School Drama (Junior - 1st Class)

Entry Fee: €20.00

First Prize: The Stokes Cup

Second Prize: Certificate

154. Primary School Drama (2nd - 4th Class)

Entry Fee: €20.00

First Prize: The Sr. Mary Anthony Memorial Cup

Second Prize: Certificate

155. Primary School Drama (5th - 6th Class)

Entry Fee: €20.00

First Prize: Festival Cup

Second Prize: Certificate

156. Junior Certificate Drama (1st, 2nd & 3rd Year)

Entry Fee: €20.00

First Prize: The Susan Buggle Memorial Shield (Presented by Masquerade)

Second Prize: Certificate

157. Post Primary School Drama - Open (Transition Year, 4th, 5th & 6th Year)

Entry Fee: €20.00

First Prize: The Gerard Hudson Cup

Second Prize: Certificate

OVERALL AWARDS - The Liam Loughlin Cup (Presented by the Loughlin Family)

This Perpetual Cup will be presented to the Class / Group giving the best performance of an improvisation  OR play written by a teacher or group member(s).

OVERALL AWARDS - The Sr. Mary Concepta Cup (Presented by Avonmore Musical Society)

This Perpetual Cup will be presented to the group that makes the most effective use of costume.

Musical Theatre

141. Junior Musical Solo (under 16)

Entry Fee: €5.00

First Prize: Festival Award and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal

A solo song from any Stage Musical or Light Opera. Piano accompaniment only.

Costume optional. (max. 5 mins)

142. Group Song (Cameo)

Entry Fee: €0.00

First Prize: Festival Award and Gold Medal

Second Prize: Silver Medal

Test: (Open to all schools, musical Societies and groups)

A song/number from any Stage Musical or Light Opera. Minimum of 4 voices.
Max 30 voices.

(Not to exceed 10 mins)

Piano accompaniment only. Own accompanist.

20% of the overall mark will be awarded for production There will be an additional production adjudication for this competition.

Paint a Poem

161. 'Paint a Poem' Competition (Junior Infants TO 2nd Class)

Entry Fee: €3.00

First Prize: Gold Medal and Certificate

Second Prize:

Test: Requirements:

Choose a favourite poem. Create the image(s) or collage as you see them. You may use any medium: crayon, watercolour, pen, pencil, poster paints, charcoal etc.

Please attach a copy of the poem to the artwork. Maximum Size: A3

Entries may be posted or delivered in person (by arrangement) to the Festival Office.

All creations will be backed and displayed during the festival.

164. 'Paint a Poem' Competition (3rd to 6th Class)

Entry Fee: €3.00

First Prize: Gold Medal and Certificate

Second Prize:

Test: Reguirements: 

Choose a favourite poem. Create the image(s) or collage as you see them.
You may use any medium: crayon, watercolour, pen, pencil, poster paints, charcoal etc.

Please attach a copy of the poem to the Artwork. Maximum Size: A3

Entries may be posted or delivered in person (by arrangement) to the Festival Office.

All creations will be backed and displayed during the Festival.

165. 'Paint a poem' Competition (2nd level schools)

Entry Fee: €0.00

First Prize: Gold Medal and Certificate

Second Prize:

Test: Requirements:

Choose a favourite poem. Create the image(s) or collage as you see them.

You may use any medium; crayon, watercolour, pen, pencil, poster paints, charcoal etc.,

Please attach a copy of the poem to the Artwork. Maximum Size; A3

Entries may be posted or delivered in person (by arrangement) to the Festival Office

All creations will be backed and diplayed during the festival.




1. We encourage and welcome Online entries via our website ( This should be the most convenient method for individual performers, duets, trios, choirs, action songs, choral verse, orchestras and drama groups. If you need some assistance or have a query, please contact the Festival Office by email ( or by phone at 085 8556686.

Entries received at Arklow Music Festival Office, 3rd Floor, Bridgewater Centre, North Quay, Arklow, Co. Wicklow will incur an administration fee of €1.50 per entrant.

2. Age of competitors (where applicable) shall be reckoned at that which they attain on 1st January 2025.

3. Entries for all competitions, MUST reach the registrar NOT LATER THAN 13th January 2025. Entries will be accepted up to 20th January 2025 on PAYMENT OF DOUBLE FEES. NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 20th January. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL FEES BE RETURNED.

4. The time shown on the competitors notification will be the scheduled time at which the session commences. The Executive reserve the right to change the VENUE, TIME, or ORDER of Competitions where necessity dictates.

5. The Festival Director reserves the right to refuse entry to any intending competitor(s).

6. Prize Winners will be expected to perform (if invited) at the Prize Winners' Concert on Sunday 9th March 2025.

7. Competitors are requested to submit precise details of their own choice pieces, i.e. composers/duration on entry forms. Once submitted, these may be changed once advance notification is given.

8. Prizes or Bursaries may be withheld in whole or part IRRESPECTIVE OF THE NUMBER OF ENTRIES, if in the opinion of the adjudicators, the standard is not sufficiently high to warrant their award.

9. Competitions are open to both amateur and professional entrants.

10. The adjudicators decision on points of merit SHALL BE FINAL.

11. Teachers who have 8 or more pupils competing will receive a complimentary season ticket ON APPLICATION ONLY to the Registrar.

12. Where a time limit is specified, the adjudicator may stop the competitor when the time limit is reached.

13. The same piece may NOT BE PERFORMED by any competitor in more than one competition.

14. The decision of the Executive on all questions arising from or not provided in these rules shall be final. In the event of an objection, this must be made in writing and lodged with the secretary not later than twenty four (24) hours after completion of the competition in question. Such objections to be accompanied by a fee of €25, which will be returned in the event of the objection being upheld by the Executive. Objections submitted without fee will NOT be considered.

15. In competitions designated ‘Confined’ this shall mean confined to competitors attending school or receiving tuition in Arklow and surrounding areas.

16. In duet or trio competitions, an individual may only enter once.



No correspondence will be replied to unless accompanied by a Stamped Self-Addressed Envelope or Valid Email Addresss.

Notes Re: Accompaniment

1. If the services of our official accompanist are required, sheet music must be supplied before 13th January 2025. An accompanist may refuse to accept music on the day.

2. The Official accompanists MUST be used in Competitions 1 to 17 (including Lieder) and Competitions 48 to 59 inclusive. Copies of choice pieces should be provided for the adjudicator on the day of the competition. Accompanist's copy must be sent by post or email attachment to the Festival Office at time of entry.

3. Choirs, Action Songs, and String Repertoire Competitors must provide their own accompanists at their own expense.

4. Private arrangements in relation to accompaniment may be made with the Festival Official Accompanist, but this is the sole responsibility of the competitor.


1. See also Special Rules for Schools Drama competitions.

2. Please ensure that the preceding rules are complied with to avoid unnecessary embarrassment.

3. If any competitor cannot attend on the day of competition, please contact us at the Festival Office, Floor 3, Bridgewater Shopping Centre, Arklow - (085) 8556686


How is a competitor’s age calculated for ‘under 18, 16, 14, 12 and 10' competitions?
The age of competitors shall be reckoned as that which they attain on January 1st 2025.

Are entry fees returned if I decide to withdraw from a competition?
In general entry fees are not returned if you decide to withdraw from a competition. In exceptional circumstances or in cases of illness, with the provision of a sickness certificate from a doctor, it will be considered.

Can I change my competition if I notice later than I entered the wrong one?
As long as you give adequate notice and contact the office as soon as you can then it will be considered. If competitors are not available to appear when called for competition it may lead to disqualification from the event.

Am I allowed to enter after the official closing date?
Yes, if you pay double entrance fees up to the 20th of January 2025. No entries will be considered after this date.

Can I collect the adjudicator’s comments for another person?
No. However, a parent or guardian of each individual child is allowed to collect adjudicator’s comments.

My designated competition or performance time doesn’t suit me. Is it possible to change it?
Due to scheduling issues, it is at the discretion of the Committee whether or not this can be accommodated. Please notify the Festival office by phone or email as soon as you can so can this be decided.

Are we allowed to use cameras or other recording equipment at the festival?
Audio or visual recording equipment cannot be used inside any of the competition venues. Taking photographs is also forbidden.

Is there a limit to the choir size for competitions?
Yes, There is a limit of 55/60 voices per choirs. This is for health and safety reasons.

By what date should trophies be returned?
All cups and trophies to be returned to Margaret Nolan, Tara Hill, Gorey, Co. Wexford 086 8472187 and to be returned on or before 20th December 2025.

What do I do if I wish to make a complaint?
A complaint needs to be addressed in writing to the festival secretary on the same day of the competition and accompanied by a €25 fee which will be returned if the complaint is upheld.

Where are the result sheets available?
Results sheets containing adjudicator’s comments are available from the Secretary’s desk in each venue. Members of the public should not approach the adjudicator’s table and competitors may only collect the results sheets for their own entry.

Poetry and Dánta Gaeilge for the Arklow Music Festival 2023

Verse Speaking (6 - 7 Years)

The White Window by James Stephens

The Moon comes every night to peep

Through the window where I lie:

But I pretend to be asleep;

And watch the Moon go slowly by,

— And she never makes a sound!

She stands and stares! And then she goes

To the house that's next to me,

Stealing by on tippy-toes;

To peep at folk asleep maybe

— And she never makes a sound!

Upside Down by Aileen Fisher

It's funny how beetles

and creatures like that

can walk upside down

as well as walk flat.

They crawl on a ceiling

and climb on a wall

without any practice

or trouble at all.

While I have been trying

for a year (maybe more)

and still I can't stand

with my head on the floor.

The Witch by Percy H. Ilott

I saw her plucking cowslips,

And marked her where she stood:

She never knew I watched her

While hiding in the wood.

Her skirt was brightest crimson,

And black her steeple hat,

Her broomstick lay beside her—

I'm positive of that.

Her chin was sharp and pointed,

Her eyes were—I don't know—

For, when she turned towards me—

I thought it best—to go!

Recycling is the Greatest by Ted Scheu

The Recycling is the greatest thing,

That each of us can do.

We send our plastic out and,

it comes back as something new.

It works for glass and paper too.

We trade them in for others

I wonder if recycling works

For very bossy brothers.

Verse Speaking (8 - 9 Years)

The Cow by Robert Louis Stevenson

The friendly cow all red and white,

I laugh with all my heart:

She gives me cream with all her might,

To eat with apple tart.

She wanders lowing here and there,

And yet she cannot stray,

All in the pleasant open air,

The pleasant light of day;

And blown by all the winds that pass

And wet with all the showers,

She walks among the meadow grass

And eats the meadow flowers.

Little Trotty Wagtail by John Clare

Little trotty wagtail he went in the rain

And tittering tottering sideways he near got straight again

He stopped to get a worm and look'd up to catch a fly

And the he flew away e're his feathers they were dry.

Little trotty wagtail he waddled in the mud

And left his little foot marks trample where he would

He waddled in the water pudge and waggle went his tail

And chirrupt up his wings to dry upon the garden rail.

Little trotty wagtail you nimble all about

And in the dimpling water pudge you waddle in and out

Your home is nigh at hand and in the warm pigsty

So little Master Wagtail I'll bid you a 'Good bye".

Windy Nights by Robert Louis Stevenson

Whenever the moon and stars are set,

Whenever the wind is high,

All night long in the dark and wet,

A man goes riding by.

Late in the night when the fires are out,

Why does he gallop and gallop about?

Whenever the trees are crying aloud,

And ships are tossed at sea,

By, on the highway, low and loud,

By at the gallop goes he.

By at the gallop he goes, and then

By he comes back at the gallop again.

Fairy Story by Steve Smith

I went into the wood one day

And there I walked and lost my way

When it was so dark I could not see

A little creature came to me

He said if I would sing a song

The time would not be very long

But first I must let him hold my hand tight

Or else the wood would give me a fright

I sang a song, he let me go

But now I am home again there is nobody I know.

Verse Speaking (10 - 11 Years)

The Cradle Song by Padraic Colum

O men from the fields,

Come gently within.

Tread softly, softly

O men coming in!

Mavourneen is going

From me and from you,

Where Mary will fold him

With mantle of blue!

From reek of the smoke

And cold of the floor

And the peering of things

Across the half-door.

O men of the fields,

Soft, softly come thro'

Mary puts round him

Her mantle of blue.

The Balloon Man by Rose Fyleman

He always comes on market days

And holds balloons – a lovely bunch –

And in the market square he stays,

And never seems to think of lunch.

They're red and purple, blue and green,

And when it is a sunny day

The carts and people get between

You see them shining far away.

And some are big and some are small,

All tied together with a string.

And if there is a wind at all

They tug and tug like anything.

Some day perhaps he'll let them go

And we shall see them sailing high,

And stand and watch them from below —

They would look pretty in the sky!

Someone by Walter De La Mare

Someone came knocking

At my wee, small door;

Someone came knocking,

I'm sure — sure — sure;

I listened, I opened,

I looked to left and right,

But nought there was a-stirring

In the still, dark night;

Only the busy beetle

Tap-tapping in the wall,

Only from the forest

The screech owl's call,

Only the cricket whistling

While the dewdrops fall,

So I know not who came knocking,

At all, at all, at all.

I’ve Had This Shirt by Michael Rosen

I’ve had this shirt

That’s covered in dirt

For years and years and years

It used to be red but I wore it in bed

And it went grey

Cos I wore it all day

For years and years and years

The arms fell off

In the Monday wash

And you can see my vest

Through the holes in my chest

For years and years and years

As my shirt falls apart

I’ll keep the bits

In a biscuit tin

On the mantelpiece.

Verse Speaking (12 - 13 Years)

White Fields by James Stephens


In the winter time we go

Walking in the fields of snow;

Where there is no grass at all;

Where the top of every wall,

Every fence, and every tree,

Is as white as white can be.


Pointing out the way we came,

-Every one of them the same-

All across the fields there be

Prints in silver filigree;

And our mothers always know,

By the footprints in the snow,

Where it is the children go.

The Star by Jane Taylor

TWINKLE, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are !

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

When the blazing sun is gone,

When he nothing shines upon,

Then you show your little light,

Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

Then the trav'ller in the dark,

Thanks you for your tiny spark,

He could not see which way to go,

If you did not twinkle so.

In the dark blue sky you keep,

And often thro' my curtains peep,

For you never shut your eye,

Till the sun is in the sky.

'Tis your bright and tiny spark,

Lights the trav'ller in the dark :

Tho' I know not what you are,

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

Autumn by John Clare

I love the fitfull gusts that shakes

 The casement all the day

And from the mossy elm tree takes

 The faded leaf away

Twirling it by the window-pane

With thousand others down the lane


I love to see the shaking twig

 Dance till the shut of eve

The sparrow on the cottage rig

 Whose chirp would make believe

That spring was just now flirting by

In summers lap with flowers to lie


I love to see the cottage smoke

 Curl upwards through the naked trees

The pigeons nestled round the coat

 On dull November days like these

The cock upon the dung-hill crowing

The mill sails on the heath agoing


The feather from the ravens breast

 Falls on the stubble lea

The acorns near the old crows nest

 Fall pattering down the tree

The grunting pigs that wait for all

Scramble and hurry where they fall

Verse Speaking (14 Years)

Four poems are provided below but any Yeats poem may be chosen.

The Little Waves of Breffny by Eva Gore-Booth

The grand road from the mountain goes shining to the sea,

And there is traffic in it and many a horse and cart,

But the little roads of Cloonagh are dearer far to me,

And the little roads of Cloonagh go rambling through my heart.

A great storm from the ocean goes shouting o’er the hill,

And there is glory in it and terror on the wind,

But the haunted air of twilight is very strange and still,

And the little winds of twilight are dearer to my mind.

The great waves of the Atlantic sweep storming on their way,

Shining green and silver with the hidden herring shoal,

But the Little Waves of Breffny have drenched my heart in spray,

And the Little Waves of Breffny go stumbling through my soul.

Daffodils by William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the milky way,

They stretched in never-ending line

Along the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they

Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:

A poet could not but be gay,

In such a jocund company:

I gazed—and gazed—but little thought

What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils.

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost

Whose woods these are I think I know.

His house is in the village though;

He will not see me stopping here

To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer

To stop without a farmhouse near

Between the woods and frozen lake

The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake

To ask if there is some mistake.

The only other sound’s the sweep

Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.

A Boy’s Song by James Hogg

WHERE the pools are bright and deep,

Where the grey trout lies asleep,

Up the river and over the lea,

That 's the way for Billy and me.

Where the blackbird sings the latest,

Where the hawthorn blooms the sweetest,

Where the nestlings chirp and flee,

That 's the way for Billy and me.

Where the mowers mow the cleanest,

Where the hay lies thick and greenest

There to track the homeward bee,

That 's the way for Billy and me.

Where the hazel bank is steepest,

Where the shadow falls the deepest,

Where the clustering nuts fall free,

That 's the way for Billy and me.

Why the boys should drive away

Little sweet maidens from the play,

Or love to banter and fight so well,

That 's the thing I never could tell.

But this I know, I love to play

Through the meadow, among the hay;

Up the water and over the lea,

That 's the way for Billy and me

Verse Speaking - The Yeats Competition (14 years and over)

The Lake Isle of Innisfree by W. B. Yeats

I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,

And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;

Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee,

And live alone in the bee-loud glade.

And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,

Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;

There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,

And evening full of the linnet’s wings.

I will arise and go now, for always night and day

I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;

While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,

I hear it in the deep heart’s core.

He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven by W. B. Yeats

HAD I the heavens' embroidered cloths,

Enwrought with golden and silver light,

The blue and the dim and the dark cloths

Of night and light and the half-light,

I would spread the cloths under your feet:

But I, being poor, have only my dreams;

I have spread my dreams under your feet;

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Down by the Salley Gardens by W. B. Yeats

Down by the salley gardens

my love and I did meet;

She passed the salley gardens

with little snow-white feet.

She bid me take love easy,

as the leaves grow on the tree;

But I, being young and foolish,

with her would not agree.

In a field by the river

my love and I did stand,

And on my leaning shoulder

she laid her snow-white hand.

She bid me take life easy,

as the grass grows on the weirs;

But I was young and foolish,

and now am full of tears.

To a Child Dancing in the Wind by W. B. Yeats


DANCE there upon the shore;

What need have you to care

For wind or water’s roar?

And tumble out your hair

That the salt drops have wet;

Being young you have not known

The fool’s triumph, nor yet

Love lost as soon as won


Nor the best labourer dead

And all the sheaves to bind.

What need have you to dread

The monstrous crying of wind?